Time and Date: 10:00 am – 11:00 am, 5 December 2023 (CET, Brussels)

Presenter: Dr. Betty XU

Language: English

In recent years, China has made significant progress in the development of green product standardization and certification. As a key component of sustainable development, green products play a crucial role in reducing environmental impact and promoting resource conservation. To update foreign stakeholders on recent development of relevant policies, SESEC held a dedicated SESEC V Webinar 12: China’s Green Product Standards and Certification Scheme. During the webinar, Dr. Betty XU provided her insights on China’s green product standards and certification scheme.

Please find the following the slides and recording of the webinar:

Slides downloading: SESEC V Webinar 12 China’s Green Product Standards and Certification Scheme

Recording: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/oauqj9M3-iy5yxP02pTFGYsgcO_xzu3_pwiOEUSdfav63GvAXjvipyJ2WD3mebeT.yB2CwvFg6UVdBSqN
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