Press release

MIIT released “Assessment Guidelines for Green Factory of Electronic Information Manufacturing (Draft for Comment)”

On 21st September, MIIT released draft of "Assessment Guidelines for Green Factory of Electronic Information Manufacturing” and called for Comment. The guidelines were proposed [.....]

By |2018-09-28T03:15:17+08:0028 9 月, 2018|Categories: News, Press release|

NHFPC published formally “Measures for National Health and Medical Big-data Standards, Security and Service” (trial)

On 13th September, NHFPC published formally “Measures for National Health and Medical Big-data Standards, Security and Service” (trial). The big-data is defined as data [.....]

By |2018-09-25T06:14:58+08:0025 9 月, 2018|Categories: News, Press release|

Revision of “GB /T20261-2006 Information Technology: Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model” kicked off

According to “task of cyber security national standards 2018” published by TC260 recently, ITSEC (China Information Technology Security Evaluation Center), CESI (China Electronics Standardization [.....]

By |2018-09-19T00:11:05+08:0019 9 月, 2018|Categories: News, Press release|
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