Press release

29/06/2018 MIIT called for public comments on management rules of 5905-5925MHz band direct communication of internet of vehicles (intelligent connected vehicles)

In order to facilitate the development and utility of intelligent connected vehicles, Radio Administration Bureau of MIIT drafted the management rules of 5905-5925MHz band [.....]

By |2018-07-02T02:28:45+08:002 7 月, 2018|Categories: News, Press release|Tags: |

26/06/2018National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee (SAC TC260) called for public comments on 24 information security standard drafts

On 11th June, National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee (SAC TC260) called for public comments on 24 information security standard drafts and deadline was [.....]

By |2018-07-02T02:21:36+08:002 7 月, 2018|Categories: News, Press release|Tags: |

26/06/2018 SAC approved the establishment of National Technical Committee on Integration of Informatization and Industrialization Management (SAC/TC573)

SAC approved the official establishment of National Technical Committee on Integration of Informatization and Industrialization Management (SAC/TC573). The committee would be in charge of [.....]

By |2018-07-02T02:18:17+08:002 7 月, 2018|Categories: News, Press release, TC|

20/06/2018 SMAR and CNCA jointly issued “adjustment of China compulsory certification catalogue and implementation”

According to the state council’s opinion on enhancement of quality certificate system and comprehensive quality management (17th January 2018), SMAR and CNCA jointly issued [.....]

By |2018-06-21T04:34:52+08:0021 6 月, 2018|Categories: News, Press release|Tags: |

15/06/2018 MIIT issued “Industry Internet Development Action Plan (2018-2020)”and“2018 Work Plan of Industry Internet Special Working Group”

Industry Internet Special Working Group of MIIT published “Industry Internet Development Action Plan (2018-2020)”and“2018 Work Plan” in June, the brief contents are as follows: [.....]

By |2018-06-15T08:59:33+08:0015 6 月, 2018|Categories: News, Press release|Tags: |
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