A significant step has been taken towards enhancing China’s standardization system. On April 25, 2024, the Standardization Administration of China (SAC) issued Opinions on the Establishment of a Statistical Analysis and Reporting System for the Implementation of Mandatory Standards, grounded in the legal framework provided by the Standardization Law of China and the National Outline on Standardization Development.

The primary objective of this endeavor is to comprehensively assess the implementation status, efficiency, and associated challenges of mandatory standards. By employing tracking and monitoring mechanisms, information collection protocols, and analytical tools, the ultimate aim is to facilitate a holistic approach to standardization management, focusing on formulation, implementation, and feedback loops to enhance applicability.

Key directives outlined in the Opinions encompass various aspects:

  • SAC is tasked with spearheading the establishment of the Statistical Analysis and Reporting System (referred to as “the System”), including the formulation of cohesive and scientifically sound guidelines and measures for its implementation.
  • The SAC will delineate statistical and analytical focal points across key sectors and industries, along with devising performance evaluation methodologies to gauge metrics such as completion rate, task fulfillment, and the quality of outcomes.
  • Annually, SAC will pinpoint critical mandatory standards for data collection and analysis. Additionally, sector-specific ministries and regional authorities are empowered to select core mandatory standards for their respective monitoring and analysis.
  • Sector ministries and regional governments are responsible for organizing and executing data collection and analysis activities, subsequently reporting their findings to SAC.
  • Diverse data sources and methodologies, including but not limited to production licensing, inspections, certification processes, and feedback mechanisms, will be utilized for monitoring and statistical purposes. This encompasses the synthesis and analysis of standard citation data from laws, regulations, and policies, as well as facilitating discussions, exchanges, and on-site research endeavors related to standard implementation.
  • Emphasis is placed on constructing an accessible platform for disseminating statistics and analysis pertaining to mandatory standards implementation. Entities involved in statistical analysis are encouraged to develop information and intelligent platforms as needed, integrating them into a unified national platform for enhanced accessibility and efficiency.

In essence, China’s endeavor to establish a Statistical Analysis and Reporting System for Mandatory Standards reflects a proactive approach towards bolstering standardization practices. By fostering transparency, accountability, and informed decision-making, this initiative aims to elevate the quality and efficacy of mandatory standards implementation across various sectors and industries.