On May 6, 2024, an official notice in China was jointly publicized by SAC/TC480 (Furniture) and SAC/TC548 (Carbon Management), calling for comment on the standard draft titled Requirements of the carbon emission accounting and reporting —Part 20: Furniture production enterprise. The deadline for submitting comments is set on June 25, 2024.

This standard has been assigned the number GB/T 32151.20 (final standard number shall be confirmed after its publishement). It defines the terms for accounting and reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of furniture manufacturers. It establishes the general accounting rules, stipulates data quality management, report content and format, and describes the accounting steps and accounting methods.

The formulation of the standard draft has used the following international standards as reference, although these have not been directly adopted:

Once published, furniture manufacturers can calculate and report their GHG emissions in accordance with the methods outlined in this standard. If a manufacturer engages in other production activities generating GHG emissions besides furniture products, they should calculate and summarize these emissions according to the relevant competent authorities’ requirements.

The GB/T 32151 standard series is planned as “Carbon Emission Accounting and Reporting Requirements”, stipulating GHG emission accounting and reporting requirements for different industries. The purpose of the standard series is to support China’s green transition by setting up technical specifications for enterprises from different sectors, specifically covering GHG emission boundaries, measurement and testing requirements, accounting steps and accounting methods, data quality management, report content and format, etc. 12 standards within the series are already in effect, with some expected to be replaced soon by updated versions. New ones for more sectors are under approval, formulation or planning.