On March 8, 2024, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) issued the Notice Calling for Standard Projects in the Topic of Carbon Footprint for “New Three” Products (hereinafter referred to as “the Notice”).

The “New Three”, namely photovoltaic products (PV Products), lithium-ion batteries, and electric vehicles (EVs), present strong performance in China’s exports since the year 2023. However, the high manufacturing volume requires better carbon footprint monitoring as China is on the way to achieving its carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.

The Notice is issued in accordance with the requirements and goals stated in top-level documents, including the National Standardization Development Outline, the Implementation Plan on Establishing Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality Measuring System, the Guidelines of Carbon Peak and Neutrality Standard System, and the Key Points of National Standardization Work 2024. The key fields of this round of call for projects are summarized as carbon footprint quantification and product categorization, specifically for:

  • Photovoltaic products (PV Products): PV modules, electrical components and other key products.
  • Lithium-ion batteries
  • Electric vehicles (EVs): vehicle manufacturing, drive motor, power battery, etc.

The proposals should be for national standards, and should not exceed the time limit of 18 months. The standard project proposals should cover: i) project significance; ii) scope and main technical contents; iii) status of counterparts (if any) in the international standardization community; iv) correlation with relevant Chinese laws/regulations and mandatory standards; iv) list of involving products; v) any connection with any patent, etc.

The call for standard projects ended on April 15, 2024.