On March 19, 2024, to enhance the understanding of international standardization work and improve the enthusiasm of participating in international standardization work, China Automotive Standardization Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the “Institute”) held the “Serious Dialogues with Standard Experts: First Dialogue on European Standardization”. The event was hosted at the China Automotive Technology & Research Center (CATARC). Dr. Betty Xu, Director of the Seconded European Standardization Expert in China (SESEC), was invited to introduce the European standardization strategy.

The activity was held offline with online access available. A total of 520 people attended the meeting, representing the China Automotive Technology & Research Center as well as other industrial stakeholders. During the meeting, Dr. Betty Xu introduced the:

  • characteristics of the European technical regulations and standardization system
  • the strategy of the European standardization organizations
  • the standardization strategy of the European Commission
  • the European Green Deal and the EU legislation on battery
  • the carbon border adjustment mechanism

The meeting provided an opportunity for stakeholders in the automotive industry to have an in-depth understanding of the European standard system. It put forward actionable suggestions for Chinese enterprises to participate in the European standardization work, and played a positive role in promoting China’s full participation in the formulation of global automotive standards and technical regulations.