The book of Normungs- und Standardisierungsstrategien in China und Indien (namely, Standardization Strategies in China and India) is officially published by Springer Gabler. The book is composed of four chapters: context and framework, standardization in China, standardization in India, as well as the conclusion. A total of 29 articles from experts in this field are included in this book, presenting a comprehensive view on standardization strategy in China and India.

In this book, SESEC’s director, Dr. Betty Xu, contributed to an article, named “A Comparison of the Standardization Systems in the EU and in China and the Role of SESEC”. The article explains essential differences between China and the European standardization systems. Specifically, concerning the concept of standards, China provides for a larger scope with five different kinds of standards and the division between a government-led and a market-driven sector of standards. Dr. Betty Xu particularly stated in the book that further differences are associated with the role and function of standards, standards development organizations, the operation of standardization system as well as the participation in international standardization activities.