On 11 May 2023, SESEC held the webinar on China’s Data Governance Regime and the Supporting. With the release of Data Security Law and Guidelines on Building Basic Data Systems to Better Leverage the Role of Data as a Production Factor, China demonstrates its commitment in establishment of a data management system. Since the release of Data Security Law in 2021, relevant technical bodies are accelerating its pace in developing appropriate standards in support of China’s data management. As of the moment, classified and graded data management system is basically established.

To help foreign stakeholders to have a clear picture, Dr. Betty Xu, SESEC’s Director, gave introduction to the background, overview of China’s data governance regime, and most importantly, the supporting standards. She highlighted that the challenges that China’s data governance faces include unclear definition of rights of data, lack of rules for data transaction and circulation, difficulties of applying a unified data governance rule system over diversified types of data, etc. The webinar receives good feedback from audiences.

If you would like to know more, please forward us an email (assistant@sesec.eu) for webinar slides and recordings.