On 28 May 2023, Zhongguancun Forum on Standardization and Innovation Development in 2023 was held in Beijing. Experts from global standardization community shared their insights on the interaction between standardization and technical innovation.

In his recorded speech, Mr. Luis Jorge Momero, Director-general of ETSI, elaborated on the role of standardization in facilitating technical innovation. He said that standardization comes from innovation and consolidate innovation so ETSI has been emphasizing innovation from the very beginning. He likened technology and product development to building staircase, where innovation is the raw materials of steps and standardization makes these raw materials into each step on which next step will be build. Luis also shared ETSI’s good practices in integrating innovation into standardization, such as extensive engagement with innovation communities, contribution to R&D projects, implementation of standardization education to attract innovators, establishment of industry specification groups to share innovation with industry, etc.

At the forum, other speakers from ISO, IEC, IEEE, ITI, INBAR, Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Chinese research institutes and enterprises also made brilliant presentations and speeches. Specifically, Mr. Shu Yinbiao, the former president of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), gave a speech on international standardization strategy and future reform on technology. Mr. Silvio Dulinsky, the deputy secretary General of International Organization for Standardization (ISO), introduced the ISO strategy 2023 and technology innovation via recording. Mr. Zhao Xiangeng, the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, spoke on the role of standard as a facilitator for innovation and development at the forum. In addition, Mr. Tore Hoel, the expert from ISO/IEC JTC 1 on Information technology, Mr. James Matthews, the former president of the International Organization for Standardization (IEEE) SA and a member of the IEEE Board of Directors, Mr. Jayaraman Durai, the director of Global Programme at the International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR), and Mr. Jason Matusow, the former chair of the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) Standardization Policy Committee and General Manager of Microsoft’s Corporate Standards Group also gave presentations at the forum (face to face or via recordings).

SESEC’s director, Dr. Betty Xu, also attended the forum.