
On May 13, 2020, National Development and Reform Committee (NDRC), together with 144 other government departments, national pilot zones for innovative development of digital economy, media organizations, internet platforms, industry leaders, financial institutions, scientific research institutes, and industry associations, launched the the “Digital Transformation Partnership Action (2020)” and released the “Digital Transformation Partnership Action Initiative”. The action and initiative aim to facilitate the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises under the background of the COVID-19 outbreak, improving their management efficiency, operating efficiency, and reducing  their operating costs by means of emerging technologies like big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, industrial internet and so on.


The 145 initiators of the action will launch more than 500 service measures for small and medium-sized enterprises, providing them comprehensive and full-chain services from information, resources, capacity building, software and hardware, supply chain, consulting, professional training, to platform and base construction, overall solutions, targeted financial support, and ecology construction.


The 145 initiators include standardization authorities such as CAC, MIIT, government standards-developer CESI and several association standards-developers including the Internet of Things Association of Guangdong Province and the Zhongguancun Big Data Industry Alliance, etc.


CESI, as the most influential SDO among the initiators, is planning to provide the following standardization-related services to SMEs:


  1. Provide app recommendation services for free via the Industrial App Convergence Platform, which has collected 1,750 industrial apps that can help manufacturing enterprises achieve remote collaborative production and telecommuting, avoiding staff gathering and improving production efficiency.


  1. Provide for free the assessment tools and construction solutions for SMEs’ digital transformation capabilities via the assessment and diagnosis services provided by the Industrial App Convergence Platform, identifying their pain points in the digital transformation process and helping them make clear improvement directions and implementation approaches.


  1. Provide software services for SMEs to resume business and production based on the Mulan Open Source Community, which converges software for online office meetings, collaborative development, education, open source code detection, etc.


  1. Provide consulting and assessment services for SMEs to construct their data management systems based on the national standard Data Management Capability Maturity Assessment Model, which can help dig out the value of their data assets and promote their digital transformation.


  1. Provide inspection and testing services based on distributed big data storage and computing platforms such as Hadoop/Spark big data platform, MPP database, etc., to help SMEs standardize their big data products and enhance their technological level.


  1. Help SMEs establish, evaluate, exhibit, and improve their data service capabilities based on the national standard Information Technology Big Data Basic Requirements for Big Data Systems, continously enhancing their service quality.


  1. Lead and support SMEs’ digital transformation by standardization solutions developed jointly with relevant production, academia, research, and application institutions, taking advantage of CESI on standardization of big data, AI, smart cities, digital government, cloud computing, blockchain, IoT, intelligent manufactruing, etc., and carrying out research on problems, solutions, and platforms for digital transformation. These standardization solutions mainly include standards of methods, guidances, technical requirements, evaluation and assessment for digital transformation.


  1. Provide SMEs with standards explanation, development, testing and inspection services, helping them understand and participate in standardization work and train internal standardizers to improve their standardization capability.


  1. Strengthen international cooperation and communication, explore and promote the international promotion of domestic digital transformation solutions, technologies, products and services, and help with the construction of the Digital Silk Road, combining with CESI’s platform resources and leading advantages in international standardization.




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