On April 10, 2024, Ms. Margot Dor, Head of ETSI’s governmental affairs, visited the EU Delegation in Beijing, CCSA and CAICT, with the goal to understand China’s recent efforts in ICT standardization, and European’s attitude and approach. SESEC team accompanied the visiting official during all the meetings.

The meeting with the EU Delegation in Beijing was joined by Frank Schmiedel, First Counsellor of Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW). The topics discussed covered various fields, including international standardization, the EU’s priorities, the EU’s relationship with China and US, AI regulation and standardization, as well as standardization reform and standardization education in China. In the end, both parties agreed on the importance of the role of ETSI and its contribution to the Europe. More technical proposals from ETSI, aimed at assisting the European Commission to address current opportunities and challenges, are welcome.

Following the meeting with the EU Delegation in Beijing, Ms. Margot Dor met with officers from CCSA and CAICT. The participants included Mr. Wen Ku, Secretary General of CCSA; Mr. Nan Xinsheng, Vice Secretary General of CCSA; Ms. Wang Zhiqin, Chair person of TC5; Ms. Liu Rui, Director of International Affairs Department in CAICT; and Mr. Zhao Shizhuo, Director of International department of CCSA. During the meeting, the participants shared their preparation for the recent 3GPP meeting, as well as future arrangements of ICT standardization. Meanwhile, the officers from CCSA and CAICT shared their ideas regarding recently established organizations, including WAA and SparkLink.