On April 11 and 12, 2024, China’s SAC/TC28/WG34 (Quantum information) held the second working meeting in Chengdu, in Sichuan Province.

The event, which was hosted by the University of Electronic Science Technology of China (UESTC), saw the participation of more than 70 representatives from 34 different organizations, including Beihang University, Beijing Academy of Quantum Information Science (BAQIS) and the Yangtze River Delta Industrial innovation Center on Quantum Technologies. Representatives from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) and leaders from the China Electronics Standardization Institute also participated in the meeting and delivered speeches.

The development of quantum technologies has been central to numerous national policies and initiatives in China in recent years, including Digital China, Internet Power, and the Belt and Road Initiative.

The attendees of the working group agreed and emphasized the importance of building a quantum standard system, and of deepening research into the technology system itself. The specific topics discussed during the meetings are:

  • Discussion on the Research Report on the Roadmap of Quantum Information Standardization,Research Report on Ion Trap Quantum Computing, Research Report on the Impact of Quantum Computing Attacks on Information System Data Protection and its Protection, and benchmarking test methods for quantum computing.
  • Update on five standardization proposals:
    • Overall technical requirements for quantum operating systems
    • General requirements for quantum data set construction
    • General technical requirements and test methods for Rydberg atomic superheterodyne receivers
    • Specification for ultra-low temperature microwave interconnection cable assembly
    • Quantum computer cryogenic system —Dilution chiller and cryoelectronic device series product standards