On 28 December 2022, the founding conference of the Third National Solar Energy Standardisation Technical Committee (SAC/TC 402), which is also the committee’s first plenary meeting, was held online. During the meeting, which was attended by nearly 50 experts, the constitution of SAC/TC 402 and the working rules of its secretariat were approved. In addition, after hearing a presentation on SAC/TC 402’s work progress, the committee provided advice on future planning and work.

By the end of 2022, a total of 40 national standards were managed by the SAC/TC 402, supporting the energy efficiency labeling management system and energy conservation projects for the benefit of the people. The body hosting the secretariat of SAC/TC 402, namely the China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS), has developed, also as part of its implementation of relevant key research projects, the first batch of national standards for the utilisation of medium temperature solar heating. These filled in the blanks of standards for clean energy transformation for heating in industrial and agricultural production, as well as for the residential heating demands. At the same time, as the secretariat of ISO/TC180/SC4 Systems – Thermal performance, reliability and durability, CNIS took the lead in developing six international standards related to solar energy, thus contributing to easier exports from China of solar energy products.

In the future, the SAC/TC 402 will continue to focus on the development and revision of solar energy standards, their implementation, as well as consolidation of China’s advantages in the international standardisation community. The main purpose is to support the high-quality development of China’s solar energy industry, as well as green and clean growth in general.