The launch event of “100 Billion Tons of Green Steel” Action was held in hybrid form on January 13 in Beijing, China, which is a large-scale public service project jointly organized by a dozen of units, including the Tongzhou Canal Business District, China National Institute of Standardization (CNIS), China Iron and Steel Association, China Society of Technology Economics, China Metallurgical Information and Standardization Institute, etc.

Supported by green finance, the “100 Billion Tons of Green Steel” Action will follow standards on green steel and focus on green steel procurement to establish China’s first standardized carbon chain platform, which facilitates both upstream and downstream enterprises. Also, it assists all stakeholders of the industrial chain to realize goals of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Xiong Zhe, Director of Carbon Peak & Neutrality Division, Resource Conservation and Environment Protection Department, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), introduced the work plan of carbon peak & neutrality of NDRC in the following aspects: enhancing overall coordination; promoting the low-carbon and green-oriented transition of energy; boosting industrial upgrading and optimization; accelerating urban and rural construction and low-carbon and green-oriented transition of transportation; speeding up the innovation of green low-carbon technologies; completing green low-carbon policy system.

Lin Ling, Head of Resource and Environment Sub-institute, CNIS, introduced the green-oriented low-carbon standards system in the speech, and explained the role of standardization, standards system and relevant policies on carbon peak and carbon neutrality, the framework, index system and classification specification of green products.

The Action and related standardized carbon chain platform can be recognized as an innovative attempt to improve quality, enhance efficiency and realize high-quality development, which is also a typical case to establish a coordinated system of construction industrial chain. It will be further expanded to more products and fields such as transportation and chemical industry, which is expected to boost China’s green high-quality development.

Source: China Standardization Magazine, 1st issue, 2023.