On 20th July 2022, the Implementation and Supervision Division under SAMR’s Departments of Standards Innovation Regulation published an online survey for strengthening the implementation, application and supervision of standards. The survey, which aims to provide support to the implementation of the Outline for the Development of National Standardization, seeks comments from the general public in particular regarding the difficulties and barriers encountered during the implementation and application of standards.

Interested actors may submit comments until 19th August 2022, by compiling the feedback form in the following link:  https://www.samr.gov.cn/bzcxs/tzgg/202207/t20220720_348780.html; an unofficial translation of the feedback for is provided below:

Feedback form for strengthening the implementation, application and supervision of standards

Note: the form could be downloaded from SAC’s website (http://www.sac.gov.cn). A separate page could be attached if the blank space in the form is insufficient for writing.

Feedback forms should be sent by email to: ssjianduchu@163.com