Brief introduction to the Automated Driving Standardisation Working Group :

The Automated Driving Standardisation Working Group was established on 6 August 2020, during the first planetary meeting of the National Information Security Standardization Technical Committee’s Subcommittee for Artificial Intelligence (TC 28/SC 42). Its mission is to establish generic standard systems and to formulate standards for AI application in Intelligent Connected Vehicles (ICV). Specifically, the standard system will cover specifications and requirements for generic key technologies in the fields of driving environment fusion perception, control of intelligent decision-making, reconfigurable design of complex systems, and multi-mode test and evaluation. The mission of the Working Group is to support the application of automated driving technologies in specific scenarios, and spur high-quality development of the automated driving industry.


Contact: Song Wenlin 13601099746 / 010-64102854


Achievements in Automated Driving:

  • White paper on scenarios description language for automated driving


The following table summarises the ongoing work of the Working Group:


Category Name
Report White paper on standardisation system of virtual simulation evaluation in automated driving
Standard Artificial intelligence – Automated driving systems of automated delivery vehicles – Definition and requirements for simulation scenarios – Part 1: urban road
Standard Artificial intelligence – Automated driving systems of automated delivery vehicles – Definition and requirements for simulation scenario – Part 2: enclosed industrial parks
Standard Artificial intelligence – Requirements for simulation scenario of automated driving systems – Part 1: automated delivery vehicles
Standard Artificial intelligence – Requirements for simulation scenario of automated driving systems – Part 2: minibus
Standard Artificial intelligence – Functional requirements for simulation platform of automated driving systems
Test Test for intelligent decision – making and control algorithm in automated driving
Test Test for simulation platform of automated driving