On 10 May 2021, during its annual conference week, the National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC 260) released the White Paper on the Standardisation of 5G Cybersecurity. The White Paper provides an analysis of policies concerning the security of 5G network, 5G development status and key technologies. It also outlines the main security risks and standardisation requirements faced by 5G networks, and puts forward the 5G cybersecurity standards framework and suggestions for standardisation development. Therefore, the White Paper aims to become a reference for the standardisation of 5G cybersecurity.

Based on the demand analysis on the security of 5G network, the 5G cybersecurity standards framework is based on seven categories under which relevant standards are grouped:

By the end of April 2021, 26 standards have already been published in accordance with this standards system, while 22 standards are under development. The main Chinese standard-setting organisations for 5G cybersecurity are:

  • For national standards: SAC/TC 260and SAC/TC 485 (National Technical Committee 485 on Communication of the Standardisation Administration of China)
  • For sector standards: the China Communications Standards Association (CCSA)

In the future, China will continue to promote the application of the 5G cybersecurity standards system, developing key standards, fully studying the security risks of 5G converged applications, promoting the verification and implementation of 5G cybersecurity standards, and participating in international standardisation of 5G cybersecurity in ISO, ITU, 3GPP, ETSI and other international standard-setting organisations.

The original Chinese news is available at:


The full text, in Chinese, of the White Paper can be downloaded here.