In February 2021, SAMR’s Standard Innovation Administration Division provided a summary of the China-led international standards published by ISO, IEC and ISO/IEC JTC1 in 2020. Specifically, in 2020 China led the development and revision of 185 international standards, among which:


Number of China-led standards







According to SAMR’s summary, China-led international standards published by ISO cover mainly fields such as toy safety, metals, components, raw materials, and traditional Chinese medicine; those published by IEC focus on electrotechnical vocabulary, nanomanufacturing, cables, electrical and electronic products; while those published by ISO/IEC JTC1 are mainly for IoT, cryptography, big data and smart city.

Over the past five years, China has been recognised as the country that has made the greatest contribution to international standardisation. China has been promoting the “going global” of Chinese standards, mainly by taking active part in the development of international standards in areas where the country has comparative advantage, and taking an extensive part in international standardization activities. As the independent innovation capability and international competitiveness of China’s manufacturing industry continue to increase, in the future China will speed up the development of national and international standards and promote the innovative development of enterprises.

The list of China-led international standards in ISO (Chinese version) can be downloaded here.

The list of China-led international standards in IEC and ISO/IEC JTC1 (Chinese version) can be downloaded here.

Note: According to SAMR’s definition, the “China-led” international standards are China-proposed New Working Items or standards of which China serves as the main drafter.