In order to promote application and innovation, reduce costs, and use standards to promote the interconnection of the IoT industry, in November 2020, the 10th meeting of the fourth council of China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) approved the establishment of the Industry and Standards Promotion Committee of IoT and Platform Interconnection (TC620).

On April 13, 2021, CCSA held the inaugural meeting and first meeting of the TC620 in Beijing. Fifteen companies from chip, module manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, solution manufacturers, security manufacturers, Internet companies, scientific research institutes, standards organizations and testing institutions from the IoT industry participated in the meeting.

CCSA Vice Chairman and Deputy Secretary-General, Dai Xiaohui, highlighted that despite the fact that the IoT industry is developing rapidly, there is still a wide lack of standards used in the industry, especially in areas such as IoT object models. Therefore, the establishment of TC620 – tasked to carry out pre-standard research and test verification, aimed at promoting the implementation of standards – becomes extremely necessary. TC620 should combine practices from China’s IoT and cloud computing industry development to systematically explore and promote best practices in the technical standards of IoT in various vertical application fields. In the standardization requirements and industrial application promotion, it is necessary to fully consider the connection with existing and future IoT standards, and build a good IoT and platform interconnection ecosystem.

The conference also launched a discussion on IoT and platform interconnection technology. Five participants in particular shared insights on ICA web thing model standards and practices, digital twin city trends and development suggestions, IoT web thing models and digital twin applications in smart parking, analysis of the current status of smart city IoT standards, low-power wide area network standards and industry practices, etc. These are: China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, Alibaba (China) Co., Ltd.; Beijing Tongtong Yilian Technology Co., Ltd.; Shenzhen Youfang Technology; and Hylintech.